Disney On Ice is coming soon to Orange County and we couldn’t be more excited! I remember going to Disney On Ice when I was a little girl and being absolutely fascinated with the lights, the sounds, the skaters. Oh the skaters. I swore to my parents that I would one day be a professional figure skater. I would watch Kristi Yamaguchi and Nancy Kerrigan in the Olympics over and over and over. Really, Ask my mom if you don’t believe me! I was crazy about ice skating. I’d beg her to take me pretty much every weekend. She did. And I even took a few lessons. And I realized it’s a lot harder then they make it look on tv!

These skaters make it look effortless out there on the ice, wouldn’t you agree? I recently had the privilege of chatting with Brittany Fullgrapp of Disney On Ice. She’s one of the many talented skaters in the show. She plays the character of Alice from Alice and Wonderland.

Isn’t she adorable?
Brittany’s been skating since she was a little girl- she’s been skating for 19 years now! WOW. She comes from a family of figure skaters and has known from a very young age that this is what she wanted to do with her life. She wanted to skate competitively and eventually that turned into a Disney career. Brittany skates in 12 Disney On Ice shows each week and loves the performing, traveling, people she meets along the road and the lifelong friendships she’s made with other fellow skaters who become family. Brittany says the most challenging aspects to her skating career are of course the falls, but this girl has a strict practice schedule to keep up on her game. Brittany is a hard worker, has drive and determination and if you go out to one of the Disney On Ice shows this season, you’ll be sure to notice that in all the skaters. They simply amaze me.
Disney On Ice and Stonyfield YoKids Organic Yogurt have teamed up this year to bring us an awesome show and also to renew our focus on nutritious food choices and well-being. The ‘MAGIC’ of healthy living. Their hope is to promote active, healthier lifestyle choices for children and families everywhere. What a great example we have to follow by watching these athletic, graceful skaters. It inspires me, and I’m sure so many children out there!
Stonyfield hopes to help families stay active, eat well and have fun and that’s what the ‘magic’ of healthy living is all about! Hope to see you at the show friends!
PHOTO CREDIT: Feld Entertainment
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