Although, you’d never know by the weather Southern CA has been experiencing lately, blahh! I’m tired of this hot and humid weather, and I’m ready for some cool, crisp fall weather. Jeans, sweaters, scarves and boots- YES, please!
I’m excited to share with you some tips for baking with your children. This is my very first article that was published a few weeks ago in the OC Register, and in perfect timing, because with fall coming soon hopefully that means lots of fun baking with the littles!
Baking with your children can be such a fun, enjoyable and educational experience. As long as you stay patient and expect some messes, you are sure to create memories with your children that will last a lifetime! Here are five tips to make the best of your baking experience with your kids:
1. Plan ahead- have the kids help you decide what you would like to bake together. Take them to the store and have them help you choose specific ingredients.
2. Pre-measure out the ingredients- Measuring out flour, sugar etc. can get a little messy. Measure out all the ingredients ahead of time. This will save a lot of time and mess. Your child can be in charge of adding the items to the mix.
3. Assign tasks- If you have multiple children, give them each a specific task in the kitchen. For example, one child can be in charge of the dry ingredients, one can be in charge of the liquid ingredients and so on. This makes them feel extra special and important.
4. Make it a learning experience- If your child is old enough to read, have them read the instructions one by one as you add each ingredient. Count out ingredients (ex: 1, 2, 3 eggs) with your children as you are adding each item.
5. Have fun- Turn on music, let them wear aprons, laugh and be silly. You will be making precious memories together.
I love the “Williams Sonoma Kids Baking” cookbook. It has wonderful recipes, beautiful photos and a picture glossary of baking tools. is a fun website that has a great section on baking with the kids. Super fun, easy and cute recipes.
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